miss you more then today miss you every day love you and i will never forget you sister rest in peace xxx
23rd June 2012
hey ive got ur top which i sleep with got so much to say but i know that i miss you and that it has ur smell on it i wear ur neckless and it has ur hair in it and i have pics of you all over the house and i know that god is looking after you with nanny and carly and the other that were taken frm me sis all i say u look down and see that i never forget you and that the boys and ellie look at the brightist star and see you and cary and nanny ever night sleep well and i love you and miss you life is not the same with out you xxxxxxxxxxxx
29th November 2008
lindesy miss you every day and it not ther same with out u make sure u give carly and nanny hugs and kisses frm me and tell them we miss them and i know u are being looked after by the angles love you sis never forget you hunnie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
29th November 2008